Calculate NPV using Excel (Discounting Formula)

Definition of Net Present Value (NPV) Net present value or NPV is a project appraisal method to measure the project profitability and acceptance/rejection decision by considering the present value of future cash flows. Calculate NPV using Excel provides a swift solution to measure the project feasibility of acceptance/rejection of the project. Calculate net present value […]

How to calculate CAGR in Excel

CAGR or Compounded Annual Growth Rate is an investing and business-specific calculation to measure the annualized return of an investment over a given period of time. Here is an example to calculate CAGR in Excel. CAGR formula Excel In order to calculate the compound annual growth rate, we need to use the CAGR excel formula. […]

Z Score Calculator

Instruction: Calculate the Z Score by entering the values in columns of X value, Arithmetic Mean and Standard Deviation.

CAPM Calculator Excel, Formula, Free Template

How to calculate CAPM (capital assets pricing model) in Excel sheet So, in order to calculate CAPM, you need to use the formula in excel; =(Risk-free rate of interest/return (Rf) + Beta (β) x (Expected return of market E(Rm) – Risk-free rate of interest/return (Rf)) You can see in the excel sheet example Where; E4 […]