Calculate OPM GPM NPM: Profitability Ratios in Excel

Instructions: Use this calculator to find the OPM, GPM, and NPM of a company. Please input the desire values in the form below:

Following are key definitions of OPM, GPM, and NPM.

Definition of gross profit margin (GPM) finance

Gross profit margin (GPM) is calculated as gross profit divided by the revenue. This means how much a firm has earned revenue after deducting the cost of goods sold (COGS). Higher the GPM means more profitability than the lower gross profit margin.

When a company has a competitive advantage in terms of price, product quality, and cost which means each item sold will return more. Thus, this will increase the firm ability to generate more profitability.

Gross Profit Margin (GPM) Formula

Definition of operating profit margin (OPM) finance

OPM operating profit margin is calculated as operating profit divided by revenue. Higher the OPM means more profitability than the lower operating profit margin. The operating profit is measured by subtracting all operating expenses from the gross profit amount.

Operating Profit Margin (OPM) Formula

Definition of net profit margin (NPM) finance

Net profit is the remaining amount after subtracting all the operating expenses, interest, and taxes which illustrates the remaining amount left in the revenue in a given period. To calculate the net profit margin (NPM); the value of net income is divided by the revenue.

Net Profit Margin (NPM) Formula


Profitability ratios are measured by using a firm’s profit and loss account or income statement. These are key ratios used to evaluate the firm profitability such as net profit margin (NPM); operating profit margin (OPM) and gross profit margin (GPM). This provides the basic financial analysis of the firm’s ability to turn its sales into profitability.

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